Lesson scenario “The way to school”

Scenariusz lekcji Droga do szkoły

Grades: early childhood 1-3 Topic: the road to school Overall Objective: The student knows how to navigate his way from home to school. Operational Objectives: The student knows his way from home to school. The student knows the basic rules for moving outdoors. The student knows the basic directions and how to use them. The […]

Knowla for Christmas – Interplanetary cross section

Knowla na Boże Narodzenie – Przekrój międzyplanetarny

Christmas is under way. Are you preparing a party for children and want to use Knowla Box during it, but can’t find interesting and thematic activities to use? No problem. Below you will find a ready-made list. Gifts – Planet Fruu Wall Apps The most festive game on Knowla! Gifts poured out of Santa’s sleigh. […]

Knowla for Halloween – Interplanetary cross section

Knowla na Halloween – Przekrój międzyplanetarny

Are you preparing a Halloween party and want to use the Knowlę Box? Or maybe you’re just planning to bring that spooky vibe to your daily activities. Below you’ll find a list of activities we’ve compiled that you can use for the occasion. A little something from Planet Fruu Even if you don’t have other […]