The planet contains 244 interactive tasks aimed at developing speech and improving the communicative competence of preschool and early school-aged children, including children on the autism spectrum and speech therapy for children with speech disorders (dyslalia). It contains both orthophonic exercises (supporting speech development), articulation, breathing and phonation exercises, as well as listening exercises, analysis and synthesis of sounds and syllables, elementary diction exercises and graphomotor exercises. The developed activities improve the motor skills of the speech apparatus, correct incorrect articulation, develop auditory sensitivity, as well as develop reading and writing skills.
We encourage you to download the Planet manual, which explains how to use the app, as well as offers engaging lesson plans.
Types of interaction
balls, pens, keyboard, touch
Compatibility with devices
Knowla Box, Knowla Wall
Type of license
automatic, according to the continuous development of the product
unlimited technical service
Additional resources
tutorials, lesson scenarios, case studies, ideas and inspirations for conducting lessons