Why motivation in education?

Po co motywacja w edukacji

The answer seems simple. Motivation drives a person to act. This is what most teachers, educators and parents care about, that their charges are actively and independently involved in their own educational process. This will enable them to achieve success in the future and find their interests more efficiently. Of course, students will also be […]

The year in which Knowla appeared

Rok, w którym pojawiła się Knowla

The year 2023 is slowly coming to an end already, and thoughts are increasingly beginning to drift back to past moments and the upcoming holidays. At our place, we also reflected on the achievements of our company in recent months, and to our surprise, quite a serious number of them have gathered. So we decided […]

6 trends in education for student engagement

6 trendów w edukacji na zaangażowanie uczniów

Want to engage students in your classes? Here are a few methods you can incorporate into your classes. The order of the methods is irrelevant here, as their selection and effectiveness will depend on your own preferences for introducing them in your lessons. Projects The project method enriches students to collaborate and independently arrive at […]

Christmas trick-or-treating with Knowla Box

Świąteczne podchody z Knowla Box

It’s been a year since we prepared a special Christmas and winter game with Knowla Box for young users. This year we would like to share this idea with you. Below you will find a play scenario and all the materials ready to use. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HeOBbbMndLkyrPFXPLiXoskuKmON8nzX/view?usp=drive_link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NNHaw3h3k_N_xgXuhkMsjlz9UKDN9jc2/view?usp=sharing

Knowla for Christmas – Interplanetary cross section

Knowla na Boże Narodzenie – Przekrój międzyplanetarny

Christmas is under way. Are you preparing a party for children and want to use Knowla Box during it, but can’t find interesting and thematic activities to use? No problem. Below you will find a ready-made list. Gifts – Planet Fruu Wall Apps The most festive game on Knowla! Gifts poured out of Santa’s sleigh. […]

Knowla for the Winter Party – Interplanetary cross section

Knowla na Zimowe Przyjęcie – Przekrój międzyplanetarny

Cold air, snow, ice and fun are what the winter atmosphere brings us. In a warm corner of the room, you can warm up by playing Knowl’s educational activities. Looking for something with a winter theme, you’ve come to the right place. Snowman – Planet Fruu – Wall Activities Protect the snowman from falling blocks […]

What is the Knowla Wall multimedia wall?

Czym jest ściana multimedialna Knowla Wall

This interactive and multimedia wall launched our company. Over the years, it has already appeared in hundreds of playrooms, schools and kindergartens, bringing joy to many children. The device is enriched with unique ultrasonic technology, which allows it to capture the sound of balls bouncing against the structure and respond with them to the animations […]

How to start the adventure with Knowla Box?

Jak zacząć przygodę z Knowla Box

Below you will find a quick and basic guide on how to get started with Knowla Box, Education Universe or individual activities. Prepare the device for commissioning Remove the device and all kit components from the packaging. Connect the power cord to the device and to an outlet. The device itself can stand in two […]

Knowla for Halloween – Interplanetary cross section

Knowla na Halloween – Przekrój międzyplanetarny

Are you preparing a Halloween party and want to use the Knowlę Box? Or maybe you’re just planning to bring that spooky vibe to your daily activities. Below you’ll find a list of activities we’ve compiled that you can use for the occasion. A little something from Planet Fruu Even if you don’t have other […]