Learning programming for kids from Knowla

Nauka programowania dla dzieci z Knowla

Learning to program is not just about learning how to write more commands in a language or developing mathematical skills. In order to learn to program efficiently, one must first of all learn how to solve problems creatively. All of this can be encapsulated under the term: computational thinking. This, in turn, we can detail […]

A game to help children get acquainted

Zabawa ułatwiająca zapoznanie się dzieci

The beginning of the preschool or school year, the arrival of new people within our groups or classes. It usually involves introducing your name and saying a few words about yourself, your interests or favorite activities. It’s hard to remember this information, especially when a dozen people are telling you about them. How can we […]

8 games that teach about friendship

8 zabaw, które uczą o przyjaźni

On July 30, we celebrate Friendship Day! This is the perfect time to talk with your children about emotions, attachment, support and what positive relationships are all about. Below are suggestions for eight games. Some make children think, others promote relationship building. 1. friend wanted! The students’ task is to make an appointment letter for […]

What a valuable descriptive assessment of a student should contain

Co powinna zawierać wartościowa ocena opisowa ucznia

The end of the school year is approaching, so this is one of the best times to sum up the past stage with the students and show them their achievements and the places they still need to work on a bit more. Those few words of feedback (i.e., feedback) can sometimes change one’s attitude toward […]

Tell me, how do you feel?

Powiedz, jak się czujesz

The Wheel of Emotions and Emotions Thermometer activities from Planet Emo, enable children not only to identify and communicate their emotions, but also to learn about their variability and impact on daily interactions. Through interactive play, students learn the importance of talking openly about their feelings and how they can develop empathy and better relationships […]

Lesson scenario “The way to school”

Scenariusz lekcji Droga do szkoły

Grades: early childhood 1-3 Topic: the road to school Overall Objective: The student knows how to navigate his way from home to school. Operational Objectives: The student knows his way from home to school. The student knows the basic rules for moving outdoors. The student knows the basic directions and how to use them. The […]

Dinosaurs bite into science – Dinosaur Day

Dinozaury wgryzają się w naukę – Dzień Dinozaura

Below you will find a set of dinosaur-themed games for children. They can be used as part of educational activities in this area or as a theme for a birthday party. February 26, when we celebrate Dinosaur Day, may be a special date. Watch out for the lava! We create dinosaur shoes out of tissue […]

How to travel in the Education Universe?

Jak podróżować po Edukacyjnym Wszechświecie

Already have your Knowla device with Education Universe and don’t know where to start? Let us show you around and tell you what you can find in it. First time turning on the Knowla Box? Take a look at the text: How to start the adventure with Knowla Box?, where we discuss everything step by […]

Christmas trick-or-treating with Knowla Box

Świąteczne podchody z Knowla Box

It’s been a year since we prepared a special Christmas and winter game with Knowla Box for young users. This year we would like to share this idea with you. Below you will find a play scenario and all the materials ready to use. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HeOBbbMndLkyrPFXPLiXoskuKmON8nzX/view?usp=drive_link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NNHaw3h3k_N_xgXuhkMsjlz9UKDN9jc2/view?usp=sharing

Knowla for Christmas – Interplanetary cross section

Knowla na Boże Narodzenie – Przekrój międzyplanetarny

Christmas is under way. Are you preparing a party for children and want to use Knowla Box during it, but can’t find interesting and thematic activities to use? No problem. Below you will find a ready-made list. Gifts – Planet Fruu Wall Apps The most festive game on Knowla! Gifts poured out of Santa’s sleigh. […]