11 ways to bring fun into the classroom

11 sposobów na wprowadzenie zabawy do klasy

It doesn’t have to be big changes for students to come to class smiling and ready for new challenges. Sometimes small things make us more willing to cross the threshold of the classroom. Statistics show that 91% of students appreciate the introduction of fun in class. It also positively affects their productivity in class or […]

How STEM turned into STEAM

Jak STEM zamienił się w STEAM

Since the STEM program was established, it was intended to support young people in science-related careers. Dare them to experiment and experience science, technology, engineering or math. Overcome various fears that can discourage, for example, mathematics for life. However, the technology industry, science industry, or the job market in general, has changed enough to create […]

What educational apps for grades 1-3 should I choose?

Jakie aplikacje edukacyjne dla klas 1-3 wybrać

There are many educational apps on the market that are designed for early grade students. When considering their selection for your classes, it is worthwhile to follow a few criteria in order to properly match them to your own needs. After all, not everything will work the same for every educator and every group, and […]

Why motivation in education?

Po co motywacja w edukacji

The answer seems simple. Motivation drives a person to act. This is what most teachers, educators and parents care about, that their charges are actively and independently involved in their own educational process. This will enable them to achieve success in the future and find their interests more efficiently. Of course, students will also be […]

The year in which Knowla appeared

Rok, w którym pojawiła się Knowla

The year 2023 is slowly coming to an end already, and thoughts are increasingly beginning to drift back to past moments and the upcoming holidays. At our place, we also reflected on the achievements of our company in recent months, and to our surprise, quite a serious number of them have gathered. So we decided […]

6 trends in education for student engagement

6 trendów w edukacji na zaangażowanie uczniów

Want to engage students in your classes? Here are a few methods you can incorporate into your classes. The order of the methods is irrelevant here, as their selection and effectiveness will depend on your own preferences for introducing them in your lessons. Projects The project method enriches students to collaborate and independently arrive at […]

What is the Knowla Wall multimedia wall?

Czym jest ściana multimedialna Knowla Wall

This interactive and multimedia wall launched our company. Over the years, it has already appeared in hundreds of playrooms, schools and kindergartens, bringing joy to many children. The device is enriched with unique ultrasonic technology, which allows it to capture the sound of balls bouncing against the structure and respond with them to the animations […]

Technology in the classroom – is there anything to be afraid of

Technologia na lekcjach – czy jest się czego bać

No stalling: There is nothing to be afraid of. However, this doesn’t change the fact that technology can raise some concerns among teachers and, like anything new and unfamiliar, can be a bit daunting. However, let’s verify some of the barriers placed against the use of technology. “Students will operate the program/equipment better than me. […]