Learning programming for kids from Knowla

Nauka programowania dla dzieci z Knowla

Learning to program is not just about learning how to write more commands in a language or developing mathematical skills. In order to learn to program efficiently, one must first of all learn how to solve problems creatively. All of this can be encapsulated under the term: computational thinking. This, in turn, we can detail […]

Positive aspects of playing games

Pozytywne aspekty grania w gry

I grew up with the opinion that games are not valuable entertainment, teach nothing and are full of violence, and that playing games is a mindless and unproductive activity. All of these statements are untrue, although sometimes they still persist in various circles. Games, like any tool, have positive and negative sides, depending on how […]

Knowla for Halloween – Interplanetary cross section

Knowla na Halloween – Przekrój międzyplanetarny

Are you preparing a Halloween party and want to use the Knowlę Box? Or maybe you’re just planning to bring that spooky vibe to your daily activities. Below you’ll find a list of activities we’ve compiled that you can use for the occasion. A little something from Planet Fruu Even if you don’t have other […]