Color Christmas pictures with Knowla

Pokoloruj z Knowlą świąteczne obrazki

Christmas is a special time, full of joy, traditions and family atmosphere, which both adults and children love. One of the popular ways to introduce the little ones to the magic of Christmas is coloring books. They not only develop creativity, but also become an excellent opportunity to talk about Christmas customs, symbols and values […]

Knowla includes everyone in smart play

Knowla włącza wszystkich do mądrej zabawy

Nowadays, almost every classroom has a child with an evaluation who has their own special educational needs. The challenge for the teacher often remains how to adjust the methodology to make each child feel included. At Knowla, we strive to customize our products to be accessible to everyone and to integrate a diverse class. Below […]

Knoocker celebrates its 10th birthday!

Knoocker obchodzi 10 urodziny

It was with Knoocker that it all began, or rather, with ultrasounds inaudible by our ear. What is Knoocker? Knoocker is a company that launched its operations on November 21, 2014. It was founded by Dr. Krzysztof Krzywdzinski (assistant professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at Adam Mickiewicz University). He initiated work […]

What is the Knowla Box multimedia device?

Czym jest multimedialne urządzenie Knowla Box

Knowla Box is a multimedia solution that is the flagship product of the Knowla brand. It allows the display of images in two planes and on any surface. It uses modern and innovative technological solutions that allow, among other things, interaction with balls and markers. A brief history of the Knowla Box Short, because the […]

Bat small motor skills with Knowla

Nietoperzowa motoryka mała z Knowla

Halloween is approaching, so it’s a great time to train the small motor skills to stop scaring our students. Below you’ll find specially selected bat activities to get students into this atmospheric October time. What is fine motor skills? Small motor skills are responsible for all the precise movements we make with our hands, arms, […]

11 ways to bring fun into the classroom

11 sposobów na wprowadzenie zabawy do klasy

It doesn’t have to be big changes for students to come to class smiling and ready for new challenges. Sometimes small things make us more willing to cross the threshold of the classroom. Statistics show that 91% of students appreciate the introduction of fun in class. It also positively affects their productivity in class or […]

Knowl’s Educational Universe – what is it?

Edukacyjny Wszechświat Knowla – co to

In the Universe we find various galaxies, stars, planets and various cosmic objects. Knowl’s devices are no different. Educational Universe is a collection of planets (application packages) that meet various educational needs, including special educational and therapeutic needs. Each planet contains various activities that are ready for smart entertainment. How was Education Universe created? Several […]

Lesson scenario

Scenariusz lekcji

Grades: early childhood 1-3 Theme: persistence and accuracy catch up with speed. Overall Objective: The student knows the advantages between fast and persistent pursuit. Operational Objectives: The student recognizes the difference between fast and accurate aiming and knows their advantages and disadvantages. The student learns the principles of various physical exercises. The student learns about […]

Learning programming for kids from Knowla

Nauka programowania dla dzieci z Knowla

Learning to program is not just about learning how to write more commands in a language or developing mathematical skills. In order to learn to program efficiently, one must first of all learn how to solve problems creatively. All of this can be encapsulated under the term: computational thinking. This, in turn, we can detail […]

A game to help children get acquainted

Zabawa ułatwiająca zapoznanie się dzieci

The beginning of the preschool or school year, the arrival of new people within our groups or classes. It usually involves introducing your name and saying a few words about yourself, your interests or favorite activities. It’s hard to remember this information, especially when a dozen people are telling you about them. How can we […]