11 powodów, dlaczego warto uczyć języków obcych przez zabawę


11 reasons why you should teach languages through play

foreign languages fun learning LING package Planet Ciao Planet Hallo Planet Hello Planet Hola Planet Salut
11 powodów, dlaczego warto uczyć języków obcych przez zabawę
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2025-03-05 14:15:59
Table of contents

Teaching languages through play has many advantages, and this is true regardless of whether children or adults are playing. Here are the most important reasons to use such a method:

1. a natural way of acquiring knowledge

Play is a natural way for children to learn about the world and test or experiment with different concepts. It makes learning intuitive. It doesn’t require much conscious effort. Above all, it resembles the way children learn their first language.

2. emotions and experiences are better remembered

Fun associates language with positive experiences, which improves memorization of material. Good associations with learning make there a greater desire to use it.

3. reduces stress

As a rule, play encourages testing and experiencing, and this includes making mistakes, which become an integral part of the activity. By taking advantage of this positive atmosphere in the classroom and the sense of security provided by play, students do not feel stressed about having their skills evaluated. Games reduce the tension of learning and eliminate the fear of speaking, and in a relaxed atmosphere it is much easier to break the language barrier.

4. engages multiple senses

Language play engages multiple senses and cognitive processes. Thanks to this multimodal approach, different memory pathways are used simultaneously, which gives a better chance of storing knowledge for a longer period of time.

5. develops various competencies simultaneously

Fun allows learning various competencies through learning a foreign language. It engages social skills. Stimulates knowledge of, for example, nature or history. It puts language into everyday problems that students face. And this is just the beginning of the possibilities.

6. repetition without boredom

Language games help practice pronunciation, listening comprehension, grammar and writing, and each of these together (or separately) can be conveyed through a variety of exercises that make students smile. There is no single way to convey a given material. There is no recipe for a class that has not changed under the influence of the children who participate. The multiplicity of methods makes us teach comprehensively and in a way that is adapted to different needs.

7. puts language in context

The game puts real use of language. It allows you to practice your abilities and deepen your vocabulary to actively participate in play. It stimulates real communication situations and prepares you to use language in practice.

8. uses language to communicate

In play it is necessary to communicate with each other. This develops social skills and teaches communication in a foreign language. It helps break down barriers against speaking. It motivates conversation and interaction, which is key to language learning.

9. engages the child from the first moment

Learning through play is more engaging than traditional methods (e.g., cramming vocabulary). Curiosity and enjoyment make us more willing to approach learning. And the right structures keep students’ attention for a longer period of time.

10. tailors learning to the student

Play works for both children and adults – the forms can vary (board games, quizzes, apps, storytelling), but everyone can find a way of learning that suits them. In addition, it allows the course of play to be naturally adapted to certain special needs of the learner.

11. builds a positive relationship to learning

Everything written out above contributes to building a positive relationship to learning. This translates into later success and development of the student. It also boosts confidence in the subject and beyond.


Learning languages through play is an effective and efficient method that allows natural language acquisition, without stress or pressure. It works for all levels and ages, facilitates memorization and makes learning a real pleasure!

Ready for some linguistic fun with Knowla?

Check out our LING Package, which features 5 planets teaching English(Planet Hello), German(Planet Hallo), Spanish(Planet Hola), French(Planet Salut) and Italian(Planet Ciao).


Urszula Skorodziłło
Urszula Skorodziłło
Member of the Knowla Program Board
Cognitive scientist fascinated by the workings of the brain and the senses. She is involved in the creation and analysis of psychometric tools. At Knowli, she co-creates, consults on applications, creates lesson plans and makes sure the material is adapted for young audiences.

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Push the boredome away!

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