The planet contains 223 interactive tasks that introduce children to the world of programming and coding in a friendly way. The activities are divided into 3 levels of difficulty so that even preschool users can catch the IT bug. The package by teaching the basics of programming, stimulates the improvement of skills in many other areas. It teaches logical thinking and problem solving (computer thinking, cause-and-effect thinking). Activates imagination and creativity. Shapes character by training perseverance, patience and consistency in reaching solutions. Equips children with the necessary competencies of the future.
We encourage you to download the Planet manual, which explains how to use the app, as well as offers engaging lesson plans.
Types of interaction
balls, pens, keyboard, touch
Compatibility with devices
Knowla Box, Knowla Wall
Type of license
automatic, according to the continuous development of the product
unlimited technical service
Additional resources
tutorials, lesson scenarios, case studies, ideas and inspirations for conducting lessons